M&N 2024 Workshop

Measurement Methods for Signal/Power Integrity and Active Devices and Circuits Characterization

Workshop Speakers

  • Characterising non-linear behaviour of high power GaN FETs

    This presentation covers design and fabrication of test fixture structures for measurement of surface mount, high power GaN devices. The analysis and measurements of GaN devices operating in non-linear mode under non-50 Ohm load conditions will be presented.

  • Analysis of the Measurement Noise in Reflection Coefficients Synthesized with Mixed-Signal Active Tuners

    In this talk, we present a detailed study based on uncertainty propagation techniques to estimate the random variation of the controlled reflection coefficient in mixed-signal load-pull test benches. To analyze the random noise of the injected wave, which can be mapped to the noise of the controlled reflection coefficient, we employ Jacobian sensitivity functions between the baseband signal and the RF one. First, the baseband integrated rms noise of the up-converter is evaluated, and then the upconverted noise is determined via the derived transfer function. Finally, experimental results to validate the uncertainty control bound of the synthesized reflection coefficients are presented, highlighting a full coverage of the measured reflection coefficients.

  • A novel Coaxial On-wafer Probe: Manufacturing and relevant Performance Tests

    Coaxial structures are particularly beneficial for transmitting broadband signals. Compared to open transmission line structures the shielding against the surrounding environment is favorable. Shielding will limit stray fields and parasitic effects. In addition, the pitch size of RF probes used for on-wafer measurements scales inversely with the operating frequencies to avoid unwanted effects.

  • Developing and characterizing on-wafer reference structures for signal Integrity metrology at the chip level

    This presentation covers the design, fabrication and analysis of on-wafer test structures developed with a view to establishing a traceable methodology for SI characterization of FPGA circuits. Several test structures in thin-film microstrip line (TFMSL) technology were fabricated, varying their dimensional characteristics to focus on specific SI parameters. Calibration standards were incorporated on the same chip to enable accurate characterization of the test structures by mixed-mode S-parameter measurements.

  • Recommendations for the Design of Differential Thin-Film Microstrip Lines

    Reliable high-speed data transmission and high-speed electronic components require a high level of Signal Integrity (SI) to handle hundreds of channels and thousands of input/output connections on a single chip. Due to the increasing demand for high-density layouts on a single chip, crosstalk effects are becoming critical for the system performance. This presentation investigates crosstalk effects for coupled thin-film microstrip lines (TFMSL) in the frequency range up to 50 GHz.

  • Power integrity and electromagnetic interference characterization of FPGA boards and performance

    This presentation focuses on the development of an FPGA-based vector network analyzer (VNA) for power integrity (PI) characterization at the board level, comparing its reliability with that of a reference VNA. It also explores the use of board-level electromagnetic simulations and electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurements to assess the impact of function location on EMI in FPGA boards.

  • Guidelines for the Design of Thin Film Microstrip Lines for 5G Applications

    This seminar will analyze the thin film microstrip technology proposed for circuits designed for 5G communication systems. Several design solutions and operating conditions will be compared, and guidelines will be proposed, with the aim of optimizing their design.